Monday, 15 November 2010

Lighting Techiques + Training!

To ensure that our images for our ancillary tasks are effective and professioal. We had a training session in the media suite for lighting and how to postion them when trying to create different moods.
Below are examples of techniques we learnt.

With one of the light sources, (in our case a soft box) moved higher and further to the left, it creates a deep shadow on one side of the face. amed after a Dutch painter, Rembrandt lighting can be used to create the mood of intensity and mystery when having a character as villian or a muscian in the rock genre. However, in our case to brighten the mood, we also added a gold reflector to soften up the models features and creating an even skin tone.
In our image, we wanted to soften the shadows on her face to create a more fresh, innocent look; we did this by using a white reflector - this bounces light onto the models face that reduces the harsh shadows that may be cast.

Although our model is looking away, here is the 'Butterfly' technique also known as Paramount (this is noticed by the symmetrical shadow of the model on the white background) By placing one of our soft boxes behind the other and above the model, it creates a butterfly shape under the nose. This technique is best suited for our artist because it is most common in beauty shots and highlights the cheekbones.

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