Saturday, 6 November 2010


Since Web 2.0, interactivity has given us the chance to communicate with peers easier. Therefore, for casting images instead of snapping polaroid images of potential characters (possibly in their worst state), I have decided to take two of their best images from their Facebook account, obviously with their consent. Below are the characters and why they are suitable for the part.

Heather - as Allison Crowe
  A versatile individual who can rock anything, from platinum blonde to vivid red hair. Her basic instinct to step outside the fashion basic immediately links to the iconography of our artist.   

Sadie - as 'transformed' girl

Evidentally, this individual has stunning features and emphasised with a soft-key lighting her beauty will be enhanced. On the other hand, using low-key lighting or simply whipping her make-up off, her look can change dramatically - this will be helpful in our music video when 'transforming girl' has a low self-esteem based on her looks.

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