Thursday, 28 October 2010

Results for Audience Questionnaire 1

This chart shows the ages of the people who we gave our questionnaire to. We tried to give it to a varied range of people but as you can see the majority was 16-18 year olds.

This is a chart to show the race of people we gave the questionnaire to, we tried to give it to a number of different people but also wanted to use an equal number of people from different races. We did this because people from different races enjoy varied genres of music and we wanted to explore what most people liked in order to create our video which would appeal to our target audience.

This chart shows us the genres of music that people like and as we can see R’n’B and Pop are the two most popular genres of music in which the audience liked. We believe that this is because most of the chart hits follow these genres and people listen to it and feel good.

This shows how many hours in a day people listen to music and it shows us that people listen to music on an average of 1-2 hours a day which could show that they are passionate about music and they enjoy music.

This shows us how people listen to music, and it shows us that most people listen to it via their iPod or on music channels. It also implies that most people are up-to-date with media and use it all to their advantage to listen to music.

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