Saturday, 16 October 2010

Music Video Conventions: Eliza Doolittle

For a music video to be successful, it needs to follow conventions that allow viewes to understand they message they are potraying. Therefore, we need to ensure we understand all these elements for our future music video.
The music video will be analysing is Eliza Doolittle - Pack Up

Target Audience: Females, aged 15-20. Audience highlights the artist her self: young and fun.
Genre: Pop-Folk and Soul. This is especially noticed by the diagetic sound of the supporting artist Lloyd Wade; a distincitve gospel voice. This can also appeal to a wider audience because of his recognition in the music industry.

Mis en Scene consists of location, colour, lighting, costume and body language.
The location is in rural Jamaica, this is seen in an established long shot at the beginning of the music video with natural lighting to suggest serentity. Eliza Doolittle's mood is reflected with her costume, a medium close up in natural lighting of her wearing a lime top with blue jeans. The choice of these colours suggests happiness and a care-free attitude. The need to sell an artist through close up shots is vital because it creates a relationship with the viewer. An example of this is, a close up of her smiling in natural lighting to soften her features will appeal to her audience because similar to them, she is youthful and possesses innocent characteristics. In addition, an inviting mood is suggested in Eliza Doolittle's body lanugage in a medium close up of her dancing and looking at the camera, not only does this suggest to the viewer to join her but it also this the message of freedom and being able to express it.

One of Goodwin's conventions of music videos is using intertexuality so that viewers have reference to other music vidoes, artists or film texts. An example of this is a long shot of Eliza Doolittle riding on a motorbike, this is similar to artist Lilly Allen in music video LDN where she rides on a bicycle in London. Also a member of parlophone music label, the aim for producers was to possibly use the same target audience as Lilly Allen and attract them by using similar themes.
However, as a new artist, it is vital for Eliza Doolittle to develop her own star iconography as Goodwin states, this will become part her image throughout music videos, interviews and live performances. Her quirky, individual style of scrunchies, short shorts and play suites will appeal to her young target audience because similar and the genre of her music, it has niche characteristics.

Editing the visuals to establish the mood of the song is important as Fraser stated. This video has a slow pace and soft transisitons similar to the song: relaxing and cheery.
Another example of Pete Fraser's convention of music videos was that lyrics tend to establish a mood by using visuals assosciated with the song rather than using a mirror effect with the lyrics of a song. An example of this a suitcase being thrown away in the sea. This visual reflects the message of the lyrics and the name of the song 'Pack Up', suggesting to ignore your life problems. In addition, the music video being set in Jamaica presents the message of escapism and being care-free about your life; reflecting the lyrics 'don't worry about the calvary'.

Although th target audience are females, voyeurism is used to attract a male audience and allure them into watching that music video. This is seen in a close up shot of Eliza Doolittle's lower half and another close up of her breasts, these short editing shots may not be noticed easily for the target viewer, however this convention is used in music videos to exapand the audience and recieve more attention.

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